Employee Loyalty as a Function of Corporate Culture Influence

Research is conducted to examine the role of features of corporate culture at the employee loyalty level. It has been found that in the organizations with initiative organizational culture, the loyalty of employees is in mid-range, in case, that organic corporate culture contributes high-level development of loyalty.

  1. Germina, E.B. (2017). Journal of the Institute of Black Management. No. 1. Pp. 56-62. (in Russian).
  2. Spivak, V.A. (2001). Corporate culture: theory and practice. St. Petersburg: Peter. 345 p. (in Russian).
  3. Vasilieva, I.V., Grigoriev, P.E. (2018). Successful supporters and individual organizations of corporate culture. Newspaper of Omsk University. Series “Psychology”. No. 2. Pp. 47-52. (in Russian).
  4. Test for determining the type of corporate culture in the organization. Available at: https://hr-portal.ru/tool/test-na-opredelenie-tipa-korporativnoy-kultury... (Accessed 01, December 2019).
  5. Questionnaire for evaluating employee loyalty. Available at: https://hr-portal.ru/tool/anketa-dlya-ocenki-loyalnosti-sotrudnikav (Accessed 01, December 2019).
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