For Authors

Publication Requirements



1. Electronic scholarly journal «International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice» publishes original research papers in English in the field of psychology.


2. Manuscripts must be submitted in English in the electronic format only (MS Word format), and sent to


3. Main text must contain 16 000 – 28 000 symbols.


4. Manuscript Guidelines


4.1. Times New Roman 14pt, 1.5 spacing, 2-centimeter margins all around are recommended for the main text. Page numbers should be right justified at the bottom of each page.


4.2. Authors’ initials and surnames, a full name of an affiliation institution, a city/town, country, authors’ e-mails should be right justified and put right below an article title.


4.3. Times New Roman 12pt, 1.5 spacing are recommended for abstract (100-250 words) and key words (5-7 words). Abstracts should be concise (authors should avoid unnecessary details) and informative (authors should cover the subject matter of the papers and research results). Abstracts should include the following information: the subject and goal of the research; research methodology and methods; results and the field of their potential use; conclusions.


4.4. References should be given in square brackets: for one reference - [1]; for several references - [2, 6-8]; for one reference with a page number - [3, p. 215-216].


4.5. Notes should be given as footnotes. Footnotes numbers start with 1 on each page.


4.6. Acknowledgements and research finance sources of support should be typed at the end of the paper.


4.7. Papers end with references («References:»). Reference entries are numbered according to the order they are cited in the text. Each book (article) should be mentioned once (authors should avoid “Ibid.”, “Op.cit.”). Authors should give the overall number of pages for books and page numbers for articles.




Author A.A. Book Title. Place of publication, Publication year. Overall number of pages.




Author1 A.A., Author2 B.B., Author3 C.C. Article Title. Journal Title (collection of articles), Publication year, Volume number, Issue number, Page numbers.


5. Tables and Illustration Guidelines


5.1. Authors should avoid multipage tables: huge packages of data should be put into several separate tables. Each table should be numbered with Arabic numerals and have a heading that gives a short description of its content. Subheadings of columns should be concise and informative. Units of measurement should be given after comma.


5.2. Images, figures, schemes and other illustrations should be submitted as separate graphic files.


5.3. Figures and diagrams should be created using a specialized editing program in MS Word, that makes it easier to edit them (if necessary), or vector graphics formats – Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator. Raster-based versions and figures and diagrams created using MS Excel are not acceptable.


5.4. All the units should be reported in accordance with International System of Units (SI).


5.5. Figures format should provide the sharpest reproduction of all the details. Units are separated with commas. Legends should be self-explanatory without any references to the main text.  If an illustration contains any additional signs, they should be deciphered after the legend.


5.6. Illustrations should be submitted in the following formats: LineArt (raster) – TIFF 600 – 1200 dpi (LZW compression), Grey (photo) – JPEG 300 – 600 dpi (compression ratio of 8 – 10). Vector-based images should be submitted in EPS, AI, CDR formats without any specific shading and fonts. Files with images should be named according to: the first author’s name, the image number in the manuscript (for example, 01ivanov.tif, 02ivanov.jpeg).


6. Authors should thoroughly proofread their manuscripts.


7. Besides manuscripts, authors should provide the following personal details: full name, degree, affiliation, position, contact details (e-mail address, phone number).


8. Authors should also provide their photos in JPEG, TIFF formats. Minimum resolution for photos is 300x400 pixels.


Manuscripts that do not meet publication requirements are not accepted by the editorial board.

Copyright transfer agreement


© 2013 International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice