Editorial Board
Editors in chief
Liudmila. N. Aksenovskaya
Doctor of Psychology, Psychology Department Dean, Saratov State University, Russia
Consulting Editor
Кurt Кraiger
PhD, Psychology Department Chair, College of Natural Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Associate Editors
Anna. Y. Smirnova
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Psychology Chair, Psychology Department, Saratov State University, Russia
interpsy.sgu@gmail.com; anna-smirnova- sgu@mail.ru
Editorial Board
Avanesyan Hrant M.
PhD Yerevan State University, Armenia
Tahir Y. Bazarov
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Social Psychology Chair, Psychology Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Aleksandr V. Bulgakov
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chairman, Organizational and Industrial Psychology. Moscow Regional State University, Russia
Tatyana V. Belykh
Doctor of Psychology, Consultative Psychology Chair, Psychology Department, Saratov State University, Russia
Hatice Demirbaş
PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli Univesrsity, Republic of Turkey
Olga E. Glukhova
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Radiotechnology and Electrodynamics Chair, Department of Physics, Saratov State University, Russia
Marina V. Grigorieva
Doctor of Psychology, Pedagogical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics Chair, Department of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education, Saratov State
University, Russia
Anna K. Kravtsova
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Psychology Chair, Psychology Department, Saratov State University, Russia
Мaria Kuznetsova
PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA
Annika Lantz
Professor, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Didier Le Gall
Professor of Neuropsychology, Director, Laboratory of Psychology (France)
Janice Nerger
PhD, The College of Natural Sciences Dean, Colorado State University, USA
Elena V. Ryaguzova
Doctor of Psychology, Psychology of Person Chair, Psychology Department, Saratov State University, Russia
Svetlana V. Frolova
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology Chair, Psychology Department, Saratov State University, Russia
Peter Friedrich
Senior Consultant, Volvo Corporate Group (Sweden)
Natalia A. Kubrakova
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of English Language for Humanities, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Language Teaching
Methods, Saratov State University, Russia
Alina S. Bolshakova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, The Head of the Translation Agency, Saratov State University, Russia
Ksenia Nesterova
Psychology Department, Saratov State University, Russia
Technical Editor
Ekaterina A. Lazunina
Lecture of Consultative Psychology Chair, Psychology Department, Saratov State University, Russia