Education Civil Identity in the Educational Process
Hereby is considered the motivational aspect in the study of conflictology by the students when preparing conflictological research, also its implementation and presentation of achieved results. In the process of conflictological students work, the motivational work shows itself as a process of interaction between the lecturers in the respective discipline and the students for the realization of the general aims of joint research conflictological work. It is aimed at supplying a mutuality of interests of created points of teachers unity, responding in the common result of created research.
Key words:
- Asmolov, A.G. (2007). How are we going to live? Social effects of educational policy. Leaders of education. Moscow, No. 6, Pp. 4-10. (in Russian).
- Guseynov, A.Z. (2012). Pedagogical potential and prospects of a two-tier education system in high school. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy. Vol. 12. Iss. 4. Pp. 105-108. (in Russian).
- Sobkin, V.S., Vaganova, M.V. (2003). Political orientations of adolescents and the problem of tolerance. Problems of tolerance in adolescent subculture. Works on the sociology of education. Vol. VIII. Iss. XIII. Moscow: Center of Sociology of Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Pp. 9-38. (in Russian).
- Nikandrov, N.D. (2006) Education and socialization in modern Russia: risks and opportunities. Bulletin of the University of RAO. Moscow. No. 4. Pp.9-16. (in Russian).
Journal issue:
стр. 62
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