Adaptative meaning of the unemployed identifications transformation to the situation of professional self-realization loss
The article discusses the adaptive self-identification function in the situation of unemployment Unemployed people with an unemployment term of more than 6 months assume the sick role. This fact can be understood as an adaptation way to the loss of professional opportunities in the socially prestigious role of unhealthy people. It explains their inactivity in this situation. System authentications in the group of unemployed reflects the loss of self-confidence and desire to overcome the traumatic situation ahead, exacerbating the internal conflict. Identification with the patient role is typical for people who have been unemployed for more than six months. Unemployment in this situation could be taken as a way of adapting to the loss of professional opportunities in the sick role, socially more prestigious than the role of the unemployed. The sick person role justifies passivity with regard to changing the current situation. An optimistic attitude to being able to keep healthy is characteristic of people who see themselves as independent. This article regards the sick role and the healthy role of human system authentications, retrospective evaluation of the health and illness experience, especially the self-attitude of the unemployed.
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