Person's Commitment to Country and Emigration Intentions: Image Determination



The article offers a theoretical model of factors of person’s commitment to country and uses it to explain sense-making role of a sphere of individual mental images in building life strategy through emigration. The empirical research challenges assumptions that the positive and meaningful images of one’s country leaving a deep cognitive and emotional trace in psyche carry out function of integration of a person with his/her social and ethnocultural environment, and negative images of one’s country and positive images of foreign countries differentiate, separate a person from his real sociocultural environment and promote emigration intentions.

To evaluate risks of segregation from one’s country, the author developed an image and association method and mathematical tools, allowing finding out level of ethnocultural integration of the sphere of mental images.

Results of the empirical study conducted by Russian and Kazakhstan researchers revealed that ethnocultural integration of the mental image sphere of people devoted to the country was equally high. Potential emigrants of both countries are characterized by equally low ethnocultural integration of the sphere of mental images.

Approach offered by the author can be used for evaluation of risks of migratory behavior and further development of social and psychological programs of migratory tendencies management. 


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