Welcoming Address for the Inaugural Edition International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice by Dr. Liudmila N. Aksenovskaya

Dear friends!
It is my privilege to introduce for your consideration the first issue of the new international electronic journal «International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice».
This journal is one of the most significant results of cooperation between the Psychology Department of the University and the Psychology Department of CSU, which started in 2010 thanks to the efforts and support of the Dean of College of Natural Sciences of CSU Dr. Janice Nerger.
Time has shown that our cooperation is full of vitality and fruitful. It has many positive aspects. Much of the credit for this is due to our American colleagues from the Colorado State University. Over the past four years, the Psychology Department of SSU was visited by Dr. Kurt Kraiger, Dr. Zinta Byrne, Dr. George Thornton and their students Kyle Sendl and Christa Hoffmeister who gave lectures and master classes. Professional and friendly communication of American psychologists with teachers, post-graduates and students of SSU formed a deep respect and sincere sympathy as to scientific psychological school of CSU, and to the very American colleagues. Their openness and dedication to their work stimulated interest in the subject of research, which scientists of the Psychology Department of CSU are occupied with and in studying English by our teachers and students. Given the fact that the Psychology Department of SSU is very young, I can say without exaggeration that our development is going on largely thanks to the attention and support of the College of Natural Sciences of CSU.
Our journal is a joint project, which is a new step forward on the way of forming the conditions for initiation of the international research and educational projects in the field of psychology. We can be proud that our journal is supported by psychologists from other universities of Russia and the USA, as well as psychologists from Sweden and Turkey. I am sure that our friendly circle will expand. This is evidenced by the team of authors of the first issue of our journal, among which there are also psychologists from China and Ukraine.
In addition to psychological research the first issue contains the article of our colleagues-teachers.
Thematic space of the first issue presents the articles, dedicated to problems of organizational psychology (K. Kraiger, L. Finkelstein, P. Waltz; L. Aksenovskaya; A. Lantz, P. Friedrich; A. Bulgakov; P. Varca, T. Rittenburg; A. Kravtcova; A. Pogodina), social psychology ( E. Ryaguzova; T. Belyh; S. Frolova; M. Orlova; A.Al. Ponukalin). R. Taormina presented the article about the prospects of psychological science. The article of N. Belskaya is dedicated to the issues of the study of creative abilities of children. I thank all the authors of the first issue of our journal. Thank you so much for the articles!
I thank from my heart all members of the international editorial board for participation in creating of the journal: Janice Nerger (CSU, USA), Kurt Kraiger (CSU, USA), Svetlana Frolova ( SSU, Russia), Anna Smirnova (SSU, Russia), Ingemar Torbjorn (Stockholm University, Sweden), Zinta Byrne (CSU,USA), Maria Kuznetsova (Wyoming University, Russia), Hatice Demirbaş (Gazy University, Republic of Turkey), Tahir Bazarov ( Moscow State University, Russia) , Alexandr Bulgakov (Moscow Regional State University, Russia), Tatiana Belyh (SSU, Russia), Elena Ryaguzova (SSU, Russia), Alexey Ponukalin (SSU, Russia), Ekaterina Balakireva (SSU, Russia), Dmitry Konakov (SSU, Russia), Yuli Stavropolsky (SSU, Russia), Alina Bolshakova (SSU, Russia), Maria Storozhenko (SSU, Russia), Ekaterina Lazunina (SSU, Russia).
I want to wish our journal happy fate, which means the development and improvement. I believe that it will be useful and necessary for all people who have devoted himself to psychological science.
And may good success attend us!
Liudmila N. Aksenovskaya
Saratov State University,
Saratov, Russia

© 2013 International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice