The Ability to Judge and its Place in the Structure of Giftedness Viewed as a Functional System



This article explores judgmental function of psyche as one of the most significant and non-compensatory cognitive factors of giftedness, which is seen as a functional system. An attempt was made to prove that creative and intellectual success of a gifted person is highly determined by his or her ability to effectively solve problem of antinomy of judgment itself, which exists in the discrepancy between cognition of objective valuable features of an object, and subjective judgment – attribution – of valuable features of an object. A key role in solution of this problem belongs to an individualized for each person set of judgmental basis, which highest level of formation is known as an ideal etalon. Considering this, we suggest seeing a gifted person also as an active carrier of “ideal etalons”. A thesis is proposed, according to which a creative activity of a gifted person is nothing but “work with an ideal”, which is an individualized, unique explication of an ideal to the external world with the help of means available to an individual.


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