The Order Diagnostics of the Organizational Culture: the Validation of the Scale of Diagnostic of the Degree of Expressiveness of Suborders of Organizational Culture


The purpose of the article is to clarify the psychometric properties of the scale of diagnostic of the degree of expressiveness of suborders of organizational culture. The cross-sectoral design data (N=85) collected in industrial enterprises. The average years of employees includes into research is 48.9. Correlation analyses, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed the existence of the family, army and church suborders and the validity of the scale of diagnostic of the degree of expressiveness of suborders of organizational culture (The Cronbach alpha 0,784, 0,822, 0,800). The management interaction determining the formation of a family suborders is characterized by such features of management style of managers as trust of subordinates, delegation of responsibilities, creation of a team, good knowledge of managers of their subordinates, encouragement for well-executed work and people orientation, openness and friendliness of managers in relation to staff, the desire to interact with people, the ability to establish contact and understand personal needs of employees. For the army suborder (it is dominant in our sample), the managerial activity is focus on controlling function, following the schedule, striving for detailed fulfillment of the task, knowledge of the organization's policy, detailed planning of the work process. The church suborder is characterized by the trust of subordinates to managers, good relationships based on trust. The trust relationships inherent in the church suborder allows to get better results from the work of the staff, to join the group to solve complex tasks, to avoid conflicts, and to regulate it effectively if it is arise.

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