Psychological Personality Potential


The publication presents the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the model of socio-psychological personality in the context of the determinants of innovation. On the basis of provisions on socio-axiological characteristics of the person that has the potential-vector nature, the constructed formal scheme psychological «charge-discharge» in the chain of life manifestations of personality. In the framework of the psychological theories of personality, consciousness, activity developed the idea of the inseparability of psychic phenomena universal principles and laws. It is the psychic constants, acting as factors determining the person's activity. They were seen as a natural driving forces that make up the basis of its potential (potential driving forces). The conclusion is that the theory of a person's potential is derived from the dynamic model of personality. The analysis of the dependence of the level of development of abilities (as a component of a personal capacity) on various factors. Of special importance is the degree of abstraction of ideas as factors determining public benefit activities. A higher level of mental development is associated with a more General and abstract idea, determining the orientation of the personality. However, signs of mental personality level characterize the main indicators of the system of its activity which is essential for the development of theories of individual innovation. The analysis of the theoretical problems of determinations personal manifestations of man in the context of the development of the problems of the theory of personality will allow to construct it «working» model for practical use.


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